The papaya, also called Mamón or milky melon, tree melon or bomb fruit.
Although, this latter name also belongs to another variety of small size. The Melicoccus bijugatus
is the fruit of the papaya Carica papaya, a variety from the Caricaceae family.
It is a plant of Central American origin, known and used throughout America for several
centuries, but today is grown mainly in countries of other continents.
Native from the Mexican forest, Central America and northern South America, the papaya
plant is actually cultivated in the global inter-tropical countries. The papaya is known as
fruit consumption, as direct eatable fruit, in juices and sweets (dulces, made with green fruits
cooked with sugar), or other nutritious preparations that has magnificent properties in helping
digestion difficulties, facilitating food digestin due to its high content of papain. From this
enzyme called papain, more than 1000 tons are being produced annually worldwide. The
derivative utility of this product is used in the beer brewing, cosmetics, and food industry.
Mamón is considered one of the most important and most consumed fruit, highly appreciated
for its nutritional properties and its subtle flavor. Ideal for diets as it contain vitamins B1, B2 and
B3 or Niacin, all of the B complex, which regulates the nervous system and the digestive system;
fortifies the heart muscle; protect the skin and hair, essential for growth. Contains also vitamins
A and C, rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, silicon, sodium
and potassium. Moreover it has low calorific value around 53 calories per 100 grams of fruit. The
fiber content improves digestion. It has astringent properties. Likewise, the peel’s zest contains a
substance that helps eliminate cough, resulting in a sustainable fruit that it’s utilized almost
totally .
Ecology: Mamón grows at low to medium elevations up to 1000 meters above sea level, dry
or humid climates with 75 to 2500 mm rainfall, but requires a marked dry season to flower
and produce satisfactorily. It can tolerate frost, grows in a wide variety of soils but prefers
deep, fertile soil of calcareous origin. Mamón will also grow and thrives even in poor soil so that
in Colombia it has been used as recovery for degraded soils and grows wild in coastal dry
sites. This fruit is more effective than drugs according to some studies. In addition, it’s a fast
growing plant and its first harvest takes place as early as ten months from first planting.
Mamón Chutney (Dulde de Mamón) belongs to Argentina Creole cuisine. The preparation for this
sweet dessert is very ancient and ancestral, of Guaraní origin.
In the areas where they should plant, replenish or replace trees without any specific necessity
to maintain uniformity, the diversity should be pursued based on native species and the
specifics of that particular country.