viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

leyenda guaraní, la Pollona

Según la leyenda guaraní, la Pollona fue la hermosísima Cuñatai, que fascino al gaucho Carau, hasta el punto de hacerle olvidar los urgentes remedios que salio a buscar para su progenitora, que se encontraba gravemente enferma. Intercedidamente retenido en los brazos de la Guayna, en el vaivén de las danzas, una polkita correntina, el apasionado gaucho Carau se perdió para siempre en los esteros de sus destinos. Cuenta la tradición que tupa, el dios guaraní, en castigo a su mal comportamiento, lo condeno a vivir eternamente con la misma mujer, esa mujer que había embelesado y que no es otra cosa que la que dice la tradicional copla popular y muy conocida en los campos correntinos: ”El Carau y la Polla son dos bichos del agua, cuando el carau se lamenta, la polla se consuela” El carau es un ave, que viste de luto riguroso, mientras que la polla es de un plumaje castaño oscuro. Los campirños y paisanos del litoral, supersticiosos, respetan la vida de esta singular pareja y prohíben que se la mate. La enternecedora del carau y la polla, ha sido motivo central de dos hermosas composiciones musicales típicamente correntinas en el tiempo de polka, muy adentradas en el sentimiento de la gente del norte Argentino, por la dulzura y el sentimiento que sus notas expresan.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Tapir :arquitecto del paisaje.

Familia: Tapíridos. Altura: 75-120 cm. Peso: 225-300 Kg. Pertenece a los hábitats selváticos, a los bosques caducifolios y de montaña, a los pantanos y a las praderas, con la condición de que existan fuentes de agua suficientes. En los Andes, el tapir vive en las zonas montañosas. Clase: Mamíferos. El tapir o anta se caracteriza por recorrer grandes distancia Caracterizar dichos bosques en términos de la diversidad florística del sotobosque y la disponibilidad de especies arbóreas productoras de frutos comestibles a fin de relacionar dichas características con eventuales usos diferenciales por parte de las especies de fauna silvestre mencionadas. Se seleccionaron cuatro áreas de muestreo, dos en zonas de bosque maduro, y dos en bosques secundarios (actualmente en etapas iniciales tempranas de la sucesión) Alimentación: Omnívoro, sobre todo vegetariano. Son omnívoros, aunque su alimentación se basa en material vegetal. Se alimentan de frutas, hojas y hierbas sobre todo, aunque también comen plantas acuáticas, corteza de árboles, cocos. También de pequeños vertebrados e invertebrados. Encargados de reforestar flora nativa. Marisa.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Carica Papaya, also called Mamón – Flora – Fruits of Paraguay

The papaya, also called Mamón or milky melon, tree melon or bomb fruit. Although, this latter name also belongs to another variety of small size. The Melicoccus bijugatus is the fruit of the papaya Carica papaya, a variety from the Caricaceae family. It is a plant of Central American origin, known and used throughout America for several centuries, but today is grown mainly in countries of other continents. Native from the Mexican forest, Central America and northern South America, the papaya plant is actually cultivated in the global inter-tropical countries. The papaya is known as fruit consumption, as direct eatable fruit, in juices and sweets (dulces, made with green fruits cooked with sugar), or other nutritious preparations that has magnificent properties in helping digestion difficulties, facilitating food digestin due to its high content of papain. From this enzyme called papain, more than 1000 tons are being produced annually worldwide. The derivative utility of this product is used in the beer brewing, cosmetics, and food industry. Mamón is considered one of the most important and most consumed fruit, highly appreciated for its nutritional properties and its subtle flavor. Ideal for diets as it contain vitamins B1, B2 and B3 or Niacin, all of the B complex, which regulates the nervous system and the digestive system; fortifies the heart muscle; protect the skin and hair, essential for growth. Contains also vitamins A and C, rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, silicon, sodium and potassium. Moreover it has low calorific value around 53 calories per 100 grams of fruit. The fiber content improves digestion. It has astringent properties. Likewise, the peel’s zest contains a substance that helps eliminate cough, resulting in a sustainable fruit that it’s utilized almost totally . Ecology: Mamón grows at low to medium elevations up to 1000 meters above sea level, dry or humid climates with 75 to 2500 mm rainfall, but requires a marked dry season to flower and produce satisfactorily. It can tolerate frost, grows in a wide variety of soils but prefers deep, fertile soil of calcareous origin. Mamón will also grow and thrives even in poor soil so that in Colombia it has been used as recovery for degraded soils and grows wild in coastal dry sites. This fruit is more effective than drugs according to some studies. In addition, it’s a fast growing plant and its first harvest takes place as early as ten months from first planting. Mamón Chutney (Dulde de Mamón) belongs to Argentina Creole cuisine. The preparation for this sweet dessert is very ancient and ancestral, of Guaraní origin. In the areas where they should plant, replenish or replace trees without any specific necessity to maintain uniformity, the diversity should be pursued based on native species and the specifics of that particular country.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

La Leyenda de la mariposa Nativas

La Leyenda de la mariposa Una antigua leyenda india dice: ”. . . cuando quieras desear felicidad y convertir tus deseos en realidad, susurra a una mariposa tu petición y entrégale su libertad, agradecida con tu deseo volará y la alegría y el amor te llegarán…”. Las mariposas, que no pueden emitir ningún sonido, son los únicos seres vivos de la tierra que se comunican directamente con Dios. Si tienes un deseo secreto, si quieres desear felicidad, díselo a la mariposa y dale la libertad, en agradecimiento ella se elevará para llevar tu deseo al cielo y este te será concedido. Las mariposas son el símbolo del alma y representan en la Biblia" El pasaje de la Tierra al Paraíso. El símbolo de la mariposa es amor, libertad de pensamiento y deseos que vuelan para convertirse en realidad por daniela duran araya

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

The blue Macaw (Hyacinth macaw) Fauna – Birds

The blue Hyacinth Macaw inhabits South America. Its natural habitat range includes eastern Bolivia, northern Paraguay and much of Brazil, from the Amazon, the Tapajós River to the south at the river mouth in Maranhão to the region south of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. Notwithstanding, this variety has not being seen in the whole area. Their numbers were severely reduced due to indiscriminate hunting to supply the pet market trade. It is estimated that in the early 1980 ‘s, about 10,000 Blue Macaw’s were caught disappearing entirely in Paraguay. Today, at the end of 2002, we are seeing an increase in quantity thanks to the work of the Brazilian wildlife preservation team. However, it’s still considered as a seriously threatened specie. According to McGrath (2002) is estimated that a total Blue Macaw population out in nature is approximately 6,500, which is very successful, since according to Sick (1993), in 1988 the quantity estimated was to exceed 2,500. We are unsure if they have returned to their usual living area in Paraguay, nor we know about their population in Bolivia either. The Blue Macaws lives in the jungles, in the vegetation openings where palms exist. You will also see them in the gallery forests (forests that grow on the riverbanks), in the forest which is not very humid, and groves of the plains like the wetlands (pantanal) of Brazil. Usually they stay in pairs or small groups. These groups which a decade ago did not approximate ten, now they are counting up to 2 dozen pairs. They have being documented from a elevation of 800 meters above sea level. They place their nest in hollow trees, palms and cracks in the rocks, and accepts nest boxes placed in the trees for preservation. They usually lay two eggs but it could be from one to three. Incubation takes about 30 days. The young chicks leave the nest within two/three months of birth, but remain with parents for another six months, learning how to survive. Once they get independent from parents, there are groups of the same specie with which they integrate. This birds become adults at age seven. Once a pair is formed the bond is for life. The estimated longevity when living in the wild is about 50 years. Their nutrition is based on large seeds complemented with fruits. This is the largest specie in the Psittaciformes variety (parrots and their relatives). Its length is between 93 cm and one meter. It weighs up to 1.5 kg. Both genders are similar, in fact, identical. To determine the gender, because apparently macaws have their own system which works better, will be necessary to do blood tests. Although according to McGrath (2002) in their nature habitat, after incubation period, the females shows their tail feathers somehow bent, due to time spent in the nest. Otherwise, the blood test is the only way we know for sure. The Blue macaw live in the Guaraní region

Significa lo que arbolo siente 😭

Esta estatua fue realizada para protestar contra la deforestación en el Amazonas. Queremos hacerla circular para unirnos a la ′′ elogiable ...